The air inlet is connected with a blower via an air duct, and a fuel gas purifier is communicated with and arranged onto the connecting pipe between the furnace body and the gas stove. 所述进风口通过风管与鼓风机连接,位于炉体与燃气灶之间的连接管道上连通设置有燃气净化器。
The Single Neural Adaptive Temperature Control for a Pipe Furnace 管式炉温度的单神经元PID实时控制
Note: type sk in pipe furnace. 注:SK型号为管式炉。
The welding and welded joint marking method of U type pipe in furnace for platinum reforming was introduced. 介绍了铂重整加热炉U型炉管的焊接与焊缝标注方法。
The new heat pipe type heating furnace with high efficiency based on heat pipe principle is consisted of the combustion chamber, evaporator and heat exchanger. 基于热管原理将燃烧室、蒸发器和换热器集于一体,构成了新型高效热管式加热炉。
C.Mobile copper pipe annealing furnace. 车底式铜管退火炉。
Design of Remote Measure and Control System for Pipe Furnace based on Web 基于Web的加热炉温度远程测控系统设计
Numerical Simulation on Liquid-solid Two-phase Flow of Water Cooling Pipe in Blast Furnace Cooling Stave Influence of the Recontamination Resulted from the Biomembrane in Water Distribution Network 高炉冷却壁冷却水管内液固两相流的数值模拟给水管网中管壁生物膜对水质二次污染的影响
By disposing the heating water pipe inside the furnace body, the straw heating combustion furnace has dual functions of cooking and heating. 通过在炉体内设置采热水管,使该秸秆采暖燃烧炉具备了做饭、采暖的双重功能。
Reform of gas pressure control system for ductile pipe annealing furnace 铸管退火炉煤气压力控制系统改造
The release behavior of hydrocarbon components of superfine pulverized coal pyrolyzed under reburning conditions was investigated by means of pipe furnace and gas chromatography. 利用管式热解炉与气相色谱仪研究了再燃条件下超细煤粉热解过程中碳氢组分的析出规律。
Contrast analysis on high temperature properties of tube in pipe heating furnace 炼油厂管式加热炉常用高温炉管性能对比改质炉高温炉管运行损伤及剩余寿命分析
The High Temperature Heat Pipe Furnace for MCT Crystal Material Growth 高温热管MCT晶体材料生长炉
For a 40t/ d hydrochloric acid production system, a size of air cooling pipe between synthesis furnace and graphite cooler was calculated. 就40t/d盐酸生产合成炉至石墨冷却器间空气冷却管的设置、管径及管长进行了设计计算。
Temperature response of thermocouple when used for measuring the temperature of pipe furnace was studied by experiment and simulated by computer, and then the sensing time was obtained. 采用实验和计算机模拟方法研究了热电偶在管式炉内测温时的温度响应,得出了热电偶的温度响应时间;
Experiments about co-firing of typical waste with coal were processed on pipe furnace and fluidized bed incinerator. 在小型管式炉上、三段流化床和1MW流化床炉上进行煤和典型垃圾组分(PCP,PVC,废纸渣)混烧实验研究。
Application of fb-2000 DCS system in welding pipe heating furnace FB-2000DCS系统在焊管加热炉上的应用
Reform for Energy Saving in Pipe Heating Furnace 管式加热炉的节能改造
The analysis of heat transfer in the pipe heating furnace 管式加热炉中传热过程分析
Two Calculate Methods for Bottom Pipe in Furnace 末日意识炉底水管的两种计算方法
In this article, the methods to enhance the heat efficiency of the pipe heating furnace was analyzed. With the reform of the pipe heating furnace for energy saving as the example, the necessity of the reform was stated. 本文分析了提高管式加热炉热效率的方法和措施,并以炼厂管式加热炉节能改造为例,说明了加热炉节能改造的必要性。
Study on Two-dimensional Flow and Temperature Field of the Radiative Chamber of a Cylindrical Pipe Furnace 管式圆筒炉辐射室二维流场和温度场的研究
A seismic reliability analysis of pipe heating furnace 管式加热炉的抗震可靠性分析
The sample of red copper glaze was imitated in pipe furnace under the reduction atmosphere offered by self-making CO reaction furnace. 用自制一氧化碳发生炉提供的还原气氛,在管式炉中仿制了铜红釉试片。
The contrasting and analysis on every item properties of furnace tube that mostly used in pipe heating furnace at present, especially high temperature properties, has been done. 针对目前管式加热炉常用炉管材料各项性能,尤其是高温性能进行了对比分析。
Design principles of ductile iron pipe annealing furnace 离心球墨铸管退火炉设计原理
The analysis for bursting of 20g steel for cooling pipe in sintering furnace 烧结炉中20g钢冷却管爆裂分析
Energy consumption predictions of a pipe heating furnace 钢管加热炉窑的能源需求预测
According to the temperature measurements of pipe type furnace center invariable temperature zone, the effects of temperature on the four spectral line intensities and linewidths are studied, and the contrast and analysis of temperature measurement results of mutiple spectral lines pairs are achieved. 搭建半导体激光温度在线测量系统,针对于管式炉内中心恒温区的温度测量,研究了温度对谱线线强和线宽的影响,完成多个谱线对温度测量结果的对比与分析。